
Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

14 Benefits of Sit Ups Every Day

Sit up sport that does not need special skills, but if done diligently benefits are very good for the body. Sit ups can be done anywhere at home or during work breaks. Sit uppun can be done anytime, mornings, evenings and can also be done before bed. Sit up his own sports-centered to train the abdominal muscles so that abdominal muscle strength increased.

Sit ups are very good for your health for both women and men. Benefits of sit ups for women can make the muscles more toned. This is influenced by the work the large muscle in the shoulder and triceps so louder and stronger. Not only is it crunches a big influence on the abdomen of men and women who have kebuncitan. Sit ups can release the fats in the stomach due to the process of solving the visceral fat that accumulates around the waist.
Sit Ups Source Image www.verywell.com
Doing sit-ups on a regular basis would be very beneficial for the body. Here is there some kind of sit-ups for health benefits.

1. Maintain Body Health - Suffering from a mild disease or severe illness becomes very difficult in life. Basically maintain good health should not be done in a way that expensive. Quite eating a healthy diet and according to the nutritional needs such as the benefits of fruits and vegetables. Also pay attention to continue to do light exercise such as sit-ups.

Sit ups will help the circulation of blood in the abdomen and hips. Both of these body parts will maintain the various systems are very important for health as digestion and immunity.

2. Maintain Stability Body Movement - Doing sit-ups on a regular basis will make the system abdominal muscles become more powerful as it can be from the benefits of Scots jump. Additionally sit ups right movement will create a balance in the abdomen, shoulders, arms, hips and back. If sit ups done without the aid of equipment, the trained abdominal muscles will be stronger for lifting the body.

3. Balancing Body - Are frequent falls? Everyone must have fallen, but often falls when the grown-up means there is a problem with the balance of the body. This problem can be overcome by doing sit-ups on a regular basis. Benefits of sit ups will make the movement of muscles in the hips become stronger. The benefits of exercise sit ups will also make the muscles in the legs, abdomen and arms become more stable so as to make the body more fit and balanced.

4. Maintain Posture - Having a perfect body posture is the desire of everyone, but it has a posture that looks attractive and perfect does not have to be done in a way that expensive. We can do sit ups workout routine for 10 to 20 times after waking. Sit ups will build all the muscles of the body work properly so the body becomes more stable, balanced and able to get a good posture.

5. Keeping Digestion - Every day people need food as a source of energy. The food that enters the body will be processed by the digestive organs and intestines which are kerongkonan. Part digestion most problematic is the gut. All leftovers were gathered in the intestines can cause inflammation or cancer.

But in addition to fiber intake, another way to prevent all these diseases it can do sit-ups on a regular basis. Sit ups will move all the muscles in the abdomen. Abdominal muscles will encourage the intestine can do his job in the process all the food intake. So, sit-ups will make the job of the intestine becomes smooth and you can the avoid.

6. Maintaining Healthy Muscles - Although in general the benefits of sit-ups only work to improve the system working the abdominal muscles, but actually sit ups is also important to maintain a healthy body muscles. Muscle mass healthy body will make the condition of the body become fitter. Doing sit-ups on a regular basis will make a well-trained body muscle movement.

Movement pulled and put back in the sit-up is very helpful to train the body muscle strength. The result is the body's muscle mass will grow and can make the body more healthy.

7. Keeping Metabolism System - the body's metabolic system is required to process various types of foreign substances that enter the body, including the food. Metabolic systems involving various types of hormones, including growth hormone. If the metabolic system is not running smoothly then there are the remnants of metabolism gathered in several organs. As a very easy solution is to do sit ups.

Movement pulled and put back in the sit-up is very helpful to train the body muscle strength. The result is the body's muscle mass will grow and can make the body more healthy.

8. Launched Circulatory - Blood circulation in the body become one of the core processes of life. Blood becomes media to supply adequate oxygen to the entire body. One way that the blood can work optimally is the amount of oxygen that must be provided in a certain amount. If humans lack of oxygen in the blood, the metabolic system will not take place properly.

9. Helping Establishment of Physical - Have a captivating physical appearance would be the appearance of support is very important. Usually a man will do fitness to get the body shape that looks with a powerful muscle mass. If you do not have much time then doing sit ups workout routine. Sit up is done to attract abdominal muscle strength will form the abdomen into a six-pack. Flat stomach will look as if there is no fat. Additionally sit ups will also make your posture on the bottom and become more balanced.

10. Establish Chest Muscle - chest muscles strong and healthy will be seen from the shape of the chest is in accordance with posture. For women to have strong chest muscles will be a very pleasant thing. When doing sit ups then there is a very large tensile force between the abdomen and stomach when you wake up when sleeping position. Strength of arm muscles trying to make your abdominal muscles working optimally will support the establishment of such benefits chest naturally push up.

 Read : Benefits of Push Ups

11. Maintaining Healthy Bones and Muscles - Having strong bones and healthy muscles will affect our lives during aging. One way to maintain healthy bones and muscles is by doing sit-ups on a regular basis. Sit-up exercise will make all the muscles in the abdomen, lower back, ankles, legs and arms can be trained chest naturally. Muscles will work flow strength to the cartilage throughout the body.

12. Extend Life Expectancy - The benefits of a healthy lifestyle is not replaceable. Spending time to have a husband, children and grandchildren are very reasonable desire. But to realize this wish also had to do some business. One of them is by doing sit ups.

13. Formation Hip - Having a hip beautiful shape will be the most fun thing for a woman. To get a beautiful hip shape and do not look fat to do with sit ups. Sit ups will keep working all the muscles in the abdomen, hips and legs become more stable.

14. Preventing Osteoporosis - Benefits of sit-ups the other is preventing bone problems that we know as osteoporosis. This is evident from several scientific studies stiffened by experts. One is the research conducted by the Hormone Foundation.

From the research conducted, sit-up exercise was able to trigger the development of testosterone. This hormone itself is associated with the bone problems. With increased testosterone production, increased risk of osteoporosis can be avoided early especially for men.

How to sit up right
  1. Try to keep every part of the body that are in the correct position. If you already feel comfortable and ready, then sit up can begin. For that, you should look for a flat floor.
  2. Although sit-ups can be done anywhere as long as there are floor or flat ground, but it would be better if you use a mattress. It is for you to feel comfortable, and protected from material that can injure the skin on the back.
  3. Doing sit ups with only focus on the movement of the stomach muscles and not count how many sit ups you are able to do.
  4. For the first time, do sit ups with just a few sets of the same exercise for some time. No need to rush to increase the number of sets, which is important to do only routine.
  5. Equally important is regulate breathing properly. When the body is in a sleeping position, breathe deeply. And exhale slowly when waking position.